A dragon tree plant will make a wonderful addition to almost any space in or around your home.

Usually kept indoors and known for their majestic, striped, and rather slender leaves, these air-purifying plants are visually stunning and easy to look after.

Although dragon trees usually have strong stems, they can sometimes start leaning and that can ruin the elegant look of the plant and lead to further health problems.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons why this happens and what you can do to get your dragon tree standing straight and tall once again.

Why Is My Dragon Tree Leaning?

Your dragon tree is most likely leaning because it has been overwatered and weakened from rot, or it is not receiving enough sunlight and stretching itself too thin to hold its own weight.

Let’s l look a little closer at some of the most common causes of this and what you can do about it.

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If your dragon tree has been overwatered, there’s a chance it could be suffering from rot.

If this is the case, your dragon tree may develop a darker lower stem which will look increasingly white and wrinkled as it moves upwards.

Another sign that indicates your plant is being watered excessively is the smell of the soil.

If the soil starts to smell like rotten eggs or anything else unpleasant, you may have an overwatering or drainage problem.

Plants that are kept in a pot need a proper drainage system, which usually consists of one or more drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.

Watering too much is bad, but your dragon tree would be at even greater risk from damage if water remains stagnant in the bottom of the pot.

Lack of Sunlight

Depending on where you keep your dragon tree, it may not be getting enough sunlight.

This can lead to the plant stretching for light and the stem becoming weak and unable to support its own weight.

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Heavy Growth Of Leaves

Dragon trees can often grow and hold onto a lot of leaves and this can cause the plant to lean if its stem isn’t very strong.

Sometimes old or yellowing leaves remain on the plant instead of falling off and this adds to the weight that the tree needs to hold up.

How To Stop Your Dragon Tree From Leaning

Once you have a good idea of the cause of the learning, you should be able to rectify the problem and get your plant growing straight again.

Here are a few things to try first.

Proper Watering

Overwatering or poor drainage is a leading cause of rot which can cause your dragon tree to lean and eventually die.

To counter this problem, you just need to water it the way it likes.

Dragon tree plants don’t need too much watering.

Give it water about once per week and allow the soil to dry out between waterings.

If you notice that it’s suddenly dropping leaves or its stem is beginning to go soft – these are the first signs of overwatering.

If you notice any of this, stop watering immediately and allow the soil to completely dry out before giving it more water.

You should also check to see if the pot has proper drainage so excess water isn’t allowed to sit there.

The most common problem this type of plant faces in the home is overwatering and it’s the quickest way to kill it.

More Exposure To Sunlight

If your dragon tree hasn’t been getting the sunlight it needs, giving it some extra rays can, stop it from reaching, strengthen its stem and help it to grow straight.

Dragon trees like lots of bright indirect sunlight but can also do fine in partial shade.

If they don’t get enough light, they may begin to start reaching for it and that can cause the plant’s stem to grow skinny and start leaning.

Also, note that dragon trees that receive lower levels of light tend to grow smaller and be less vibrant than ones that receive lots of bright indirect sunlight.

They can also adjust to small amounts of low to medium levels of light.

If you do choose to expose your dragon tree to direct sunlight, make it just an hour of weak morning sun, which will be less likely to burn the leaves.

Definitely keep it out of direct afternoon sunlight, as too much of this will scorch your tree’s leaves.

Aim for your dragon tree to get roughly 4 to 6 hours of bright indirect sunlight each day.

And keep a watch out for any leaves turning dry and developing brown tips.

These will be the first signs that your plant is getting too much sun.

But much less than 4 hours of sunlight per day and your dragon tree could weaken, stretch towards the light, and lean.

Regular Leaf Trimming

If the stem of your dragon tree is growing too skinny, the weight of the leaves on the plant can sometimes be enough to weigh it down and cause it to lean to one side.

Sometimes old or yellowing leaves end up staying on the plant and adding to the weight, so it is always a good idea to take out the gardening scissors and carefully remove them.

You can also shape the plant to your liking and make it more compact by pruning and cutting off extra leaves.

Adjusting Your Dragon Tree Plant In Its Pot

Only do this if the entire length of your plant is leaning and not just the top half.

First, gently dig away the soil to loosen and remove the whole root structure and plant out of its pot.

Then place it back into the pot with the root ball at a slight angle so that it is now standing straight up.

Then just fill the pot back in with some fresh well-drained soil and your dragon tree should continue to grow straight.

Add Some Extra Support With A Stake

Although fixing the issues already mentioned should help your dragon tree to stop leaning, many gardeners like to provide some additional support in form of a straight and rigid stake.

Insert the stake into the soil so it’s steady and straight.

You can use some pieces of plastic-covered wire to fasten the stem of your dragon tree to the stake.

This will help your tree to grow straight in the short term and hopefully, when you remove the stake, your plant will continue to grow straight.

Final Thoughts

Not only do these wonderful plants add a classy touch to indoor and outdoor spaces, but they are also good at purifying the air you breathe.

Although dragon trees usually do grow straight and tall, they can, on occasion, begin to lean over to one side.

If you’re having this issue and you follow along with this guide, I’m sure you’ll find the answer you need to get your dragon tree growing straight and proud again.